August 14, 2008 - Mobile Logo + Rule Update

15-08-2008 03:48
Thanks for Arthur from Brazil again with the help of the Mobile logo :goodjob:

We've added this logo to all ringtones or cellphone offers to help you to classify easily if the offer requires a cell or not.

In addition, please note we've updated Rule #8 in our Rules section: "Only 1 user is allowed per IP Address and PC."

This update was made to clarify the issue of 2 persons from the same house having 2 accounts. It's impossible to allow it but if you have another address and computer (such as Work etc) then you can use it and your relative can use the computer in the house. However, 2 people in the same house cannot use the same PC to have 2 accounts with us.
If you have questions related to our site please use our SUPPORT FORUM. If you want to see our latest updates please visit our ANNOUNCEMENTS FORUM. It's as easy as that.

Regards, Admin
15-08-2008 07:08
i totaly understand this i always said to my friends that they can't login here :p
15-08-2008 08:08
Good job gptreasure and Arthur ;)
15-08-2008 16:10
that's quite a clear rule. thanks, GPtreasure for clarifying.
Total Posts: 4