Work From Home!

Work from the comfort of your own home with Get Paid!

The average employee spends 200 hours, or nearly two working weeks, commuting to and from the office. The same time taken by astrophotographer Stephane Guisard to take a series of 1,220 individual images depicting our galaxy or 73 hours less than the time taken by 35-year-old Aron Ralston to free himself from a narrow slot in the Bluejohn Canyon, Utah. Benjamin Franklin famously said that time is money, and with the boom in home-working opportunities the time spent frenetically squeezing ourselves into rush hour trains can readily be converted into cash by taking up one of many telecommuting positions.

From carrying out market research surveys online to manning a virtual office, working from home can provide and ongoing source of income from settings as varied as a makeshift office in your living room to a beach front in Hawaii. An internet connection and a laptop or tablet are all that are needed to dust off the shackles of office life for good.

Working from home is normally seen as the preserve of housewives or workers that may be housebound through illness or disability but an increasing number of employees are choosing to work remotely for their complete working week or part of it. According to the Office of National Statistics in 2010 there were 1.3m home workers and 3.7m employees who sometimes work from home or use home as a base. Teleworking or e-working is offered by a number of companies and Directgov offers an interactive tool which tells you if your employer has a legal duty to consider your request for flexible working.

Working from home hass numerous advantages:

1. Work for companies in remote locations without relocating: Multinational companies have been outsourcing their work to other countries for decades and now employees can bid for roles outside of their geographical remit. Whether it's offering English lessons to students in Asia via Skype or writing articles for publications worldwide.

2. Banish the 9 to 5: Mothers who want to fit their working day around the school run or workers who have a other job commitments can negotiate one or more telecommuting roles into their own timetables, including substituting weekdays for weekends or working anti-social hours. In his best-selling book The Four Hour Work Week Timothy Ferris argues that this is all the time needed to generate a healthy income as you let passive income streams do all the hard work for you.

3. Pursue your passion: If you've ever dreamt of writing a novel or starting your own business but were held back by fears of mounting bills and enduring yet another staycation, home-working could offer you the chance to earn money while simultaneously pursuing your dream career.

4. Become a portfolio worker: Are you a tecchie who secretly yearns to be an oil painter or an office junior with ambitions to be the next Mark Zuckerberg? Tele-worker positions help you make a smooth transition into portfolio working, where a worker holds multiple jobs or contracts in multiple fields with multiple companies, by allowing you to keep your current position and undertake other roles from home.

5. Reap tax benefits: Some employees who are working from home and self-employed may benefit from tax credits, as well the having the ability to claim expenses and allowances varying from equipment to petrol mileage.

Top Methods for Working from Home

Although research has indicated that home-working can actually be more productive, daily distractions such as the postman, the lure of daytime TV and having the freedom to take unlimited coffee breaks away from the watchful eyes of a hovering boss means that teleworking as a professional choice has to be honed down to a fine skill.

Here are some handy tips that will ensure that working from home has all the kudos of a day in the office:

Establish a routine:

Breakfast at 7, desk at 9am and lunch at 1 whatever timetable works for you make sure you put it in place daily to to keep yourself from putting your alarm onto snooze and trying to squeeze a days work into a couple of hours.

Dress the part:

You may be working from home, but it's best to dress as if you were heading into the office. Putting on an smart-casual outfit will put you in the frame of mind for work and ensure that you're ready to take impromptu video conference calls.

Carve out an office space:

Whether it's a corner in your spare bedroom or a swish shed conversion make sure you designate a working area in your home and do your best to keep it organised and well-equipped.

A stroll to a local caf� for lunch or even hauling your laptop outside to the garden for a spot of fresh air can all help to break up the monotony of working from home.

Manage your time effectively:

Use tools such as Outlook Task Manager and or Google Calendar to organise your days into manageable chunks and to flag important meetings.

Keep up a professional presence:

Get a Skype phone number to divert business calls to your own mobile, put a professional tag at the end of emails and set up your own simple website/business card to advertise your services.

Stay healthy:

Just because you're working from home don't think that regular eye breaks and ergonomic furniture don't apply. Contact your employment union for advice.

Stay connected:

Remote working can leave you feeling as if you are out of the professional and social loop. Join a forum for home workers or organisations such as The Teleworking Association to meet other workers and to network.

Manage your money:

When you work from home it may mean that instead of a fixed monthly salary, payment trickles in throughout the month/year. Budget carefully so that your income matches your expenditure with tools such as the budget planner at and keep a record of your outgoings on a database spreadsheet.

Don't procrastinate:

Deciding on the background colour for a website or spending an inordinate amount of time wording an email, whatever decision you need to make do it in a reasonable time-frame. If you find yourself drifting of task, switch to doing some office admin or make a few telephone calls to take your mind off things.

Need money? Read on..

It seems to me that one of the most common problems that people experience are those that have something to do with money. This is not surprising though, with economies changing so often and with prices so quick to rise. And so it is not something new when people say I need money. And if you are in one of those situations right now when you might say I need money for several reasons, a few tips on how to earn money could help. In this article we are going to talk about how to earn for those times when you badly need it.

But before we go right into the tips on how to make money, to earn money online it is important to first establish that if you want to make money, you need to have the right attitude in approaching ways of earning. This means that you have to be ready for some hard work. Rarely does it happen that the lazy guys get the hard cash. Well, that is unless you are the son or daughter of some billionaire and you are born with practically all the money you need right on your lap.

But because you are looking for ways to earn extra cash, it might be safe to conclude that you are not in that kind of situation. Therefore, in order for you to have the money that you need, you have to work for it. Yes, work. A lot of people approach situations like this with the attitude that they instantly decide they want the money to be instant. Wake up, that does not happen that way. Get up out of that bed and make use of your hands and feet. If you are saying now I need money, you need to put in some amount of hard work and effort. If from the start you have that kind of attitude and mindset, it will be much easier for you to find ways to earn money. As they say, opportunity comes to those who are ready and willing.

"I need money for Christmas!"

Okay, we all know that Christmas is a huge event that means to most of us a lot of presents and a good deal of food. It is a celebration. And when you say celebration, you need money to spend for the cooking ingredients, the decorations, the gifts for the kids and nieces and nephews, and so on. It can indeed be one of the most expensive times of the year. No doubt about it. So if you want your Christmas to be fun and abundant, you have to prepare ahead of time. Not too many people have the luxury of putting up a huge celebration with a short preparation. If you have experienced being short on money for last year's Christmas celebration, you can do something to keep that from happening again this year.

One of the things you can do is get a part time job and save the earnings from it solely for the Christmas celebration. Also, for the moms who want to earn extra income from home and do their own part in making the Christmas celebration less burdensome when it comes to cost, you can clip coupons for certain groceries for the month of December. Doing that could save you a lot of money. In order to get coupons, you can check local newspapers and some magazines. Some websites also allow customers to print coupons of some products. Another tip is to get other members of the family to contribute. If other family members who live far away are coming home for Christmas, you can encourage them to take part in the preparations so that it would not be too heavy for you. This could even be a great way to bond with them, serving two purposes at a time.

"I need money for College!"

If you are saying this, then you do not need to despair. College is always costly, but there are ways to earn money online that you can do. One option is student loan. Loans will enable you to go to college and pay for the fees later. Some people find this way a bit too complicated, so this is not everybody's cup of tea, especially because this will mean starting out in college with debt. But it might work fine with you. However, you can also work for the money. Working part time as waitress or a sales person in a small shop can be very tiring and that kind of job usually pays little. You can instead get an online job and earn money to help pay your tuition. If you work hard, of course taking into consideration that you balance your studies and your job, you can make it. When people say I need money for college or for some other reason, the usual and most common suggestion is to get an online job. This would work well for students because you get to take control of your schedule, not having to report to an actual establishment in order to work. It is convenient. However, it requires a personal computer and Internet connection.

ABOUT GET-PAID has been providing online market research & surveys since 2005.

In today’s data driven age businesses are continually strive to discover the next big products or trends. One of the ways they can get ahead of their competitors is to ask opinions of as many people as they can to gain insight into their market. Whereas before they would send a team with clip boards to the shopping mall it is now a lot more efficient for this process to be done online.

Businesses from all over the world provide us with paid surveys for you to complete online. We then reward our users who successfully complete each survey by giving them a percentage of what we earn. So you get paid for simply giving your opinion and you don’t even have to leave the house! To date we have matched thousands of participants with hundreds of different businesses.

So if you are looking to earn a bit of extra income or just happen to have some time to spare why not register with today.


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