Can Failure Lead To Success?

22-06-2008 14:38
I been not posting good lately, well so i will post something good this time.

I read a passage in a message tonight that motivated me to type this.
Oh yeah, I've read it before, you probably have to.

"I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career.
I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been
trusted to take the game winning shot and missed.
I've failed over and over and over again in my
life. And that is why I succeed."

Michael Jordan

Some people never succeed because they really don't want to. Think
about that. Some people never succeed because they really don't want
to. Do you say any of the following :

-I don't have time
-I have obstacles in my way
-I am not smart enough
-I don't have the money it takes
-I am not educated
-I am too young
-I am too old
-I won't be able to do this

People all over the world know who 'Michael Jordan' is.
What if he had said those things? What if he allowed his
failures to get in his way?

We can go back in history and we can look around today and
see very successful people. We envy them. We may even
scratch our head and wonder why they succeeded.

How many times did Edison get electrocuted before he
invented the light bulb? If he had tossed in the string
and key, we would not be on this computer....we might
be sitting in the dark.

Funny, yesterday a couple won a lottery. Over 200 Million Dollars!
The man was an iron worker. Ya, he called his boss and said
'I quit'! When ask what the first thing they would do with the money,
he said 'I gunna buy me a 4 whee driv pickup' and his wife
jumped in real fast and said 'NO, we gunna buy us a mercedeezz'.
Well, it almost appeared a fight was going to break out between
them. With over 200 Million Dollars, they could have both and
dozens of each! Grin

They were lucky. One in a gazillion shot of winning. Eh, speaking
of Edison, I would be luckier to get struck by lightening than win
the lottery!

If you want something bad enough, you work to achieve it. You
may fail multiply times. Hey, remember when you tried to learn
how to tie your shoe laces? I remember watching my grand
daughter try learning to tie her laces. She managed to get the
shoes on the correct feet. She struggled and she twisted, and
finally she threw her hands up in the air and said 'gandma isz
tooo hardd ta du'. With a little coaxing, a little motivation, a
little help, she learned. 'Gandma lookkkk me can tie me shoes!'.

Failure, it's sweet!

credit go to admin on a good forum
22-06-2008 23:43
Another thing on Thomas Edison is that he failed about 2000 times in trying to make a light bulb.

When you fail, you learn from your mistakes and do better next time or at least try not to make the same mistake (hopefully). When you succeed, you tend to celebrate (I'm not saying this is a bad thing) and you often do not try to improve as in not knowing what you did right.

Oh... back to Edison again. When asked about the number of tries he took to make a light bulb he responded something like "I didn't really fail the 2000 tries BUT i succeeded in finding 2000 ways NOT to make a light bulb". -- Another thing is to THINK POSITIVE!!!

29-06-2008 22:21
Quote: Can failure lead to success?

It can if you have a bad job and you mess up, which leads to being fired.
30-06-2008 08:15
It can if you have a bad job and you mess up, which leads to being fired.

im not sure how that relates...
30-06-2008 13:07
Failure sure can lead to success. Its basically down to the mentality of the person who had failed as probably mentioned by the others above. Failing is just a part of life what matters is learning from mistakes and not repeating them. This will lead you to a successful life.
01-07-2008 05:33
Bill Gates failed highschool, now hes the owner of Microsoft and generating billions every year
Total Posts: 6