Favourite Season

23-05-2008 23:12
My favourite season would have to be summer as i don't like spring because i have hayfever and i can handle heat more better than cold.
24-05-2008 20:40
I prefer Summer too, I like going to the beach
25-05-2008 21:01
I love summer. Its nice and warm outside.
27-05-2008 13:15
too bad its Autumn when i am right now...
i sneeze like everyday now.
27-05-2008 21:21
i don't go to school, i can go to the beach, go to discos always i want... and moreee.. partyyy! jajaj

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05-06-2008 03:04
summer is the best when you can chill at the pool or somtin like that
05-06-2008 18:39
Summer because you can go outside relax, Swim, for chill
03-07-2008 05:49
Hard to choose summer or autumn. summer because i can go to the beach whenever and go to the pool to cool down lastly i can go to CALIFORNIA to check out universal studios or disneyland. autumn because its cool i like watching leaves turn color and its also durning break
03-07-2008 09:42
Hmmm... Summer so I dont have to be at school, like sagitari.
and Winter.. because i love snow!
[img width=100]http://www.freefoto.com/images/16/08/16_08_25---Snow-Scene_web.jpg[/img]
05-07-2008 21:08
I like spring, it's like a mixture of winter and summer =].
Total Posts: 14