How Did You Find GPTreasure

19-06-2008 20:07
During the beginning of March, I found a review on some other forum infoming me about this website. I was pretty skeptical at first, but when I finally got paid $0.65 for the first time, I knew this website would be great for me. After about 3-4 months, I have gained over $60+ just by completing offers on this website.

Good job GPTreasure Admins, you have really outdone yourselves! You made GPTreasure the best GPT website that most people have ever visited! :-D

Your website is so good that I even had to put it on top of my list of GPT websites. You can visit my website here:

or you can just click on my banner.

As for the rest of the GPTreasure members, keep it up! Doing more offers will give you more free cash.

How did you discover GPTreasure and how did you feel in the beginning?
19-06-2008 22:58
I knew about this site thanks to one forum called: "lastzone", thanks to Galix ;)

It has been the first page has paid me throught paypal, because one time months ago paid me to alertpay...

well, cyaaa
Si hablas español y tienes dudas, por favor abre un nuevo tema en el apartado de Miembros de Habla Hispana.*Proud of being part of Get-Paid Team*SIEMPRE FUERTE 8-)
20-06-2008 00:33
Don't remember :|
20-06-2008 07:05
big arabic thread with tons of posts ;-)
20-06-2008 07:10
A friend ;-)
20-06-2008 10:44
I know Gptreasure from hubpages.. So many helpful infos
20-06-2008 11:29
from arabic forum
20-06-2008 11:40
A friend
20-06-2008 12:09
Replies under ijji games xD
20-06-2008 12:24
From a Lunagang member :-p
Total Posts: 19