[TUTORIAL] How to get many referrals

10-06-2008 19:03
Hello GPTreasure fans,
A good way to get as many referrals as possible is by making a good tutorial using images, and use correct English. Submit your tutorial on as many forums as possible.
Do not use GPtreasure.com as the link in your tutorial but use your referral link.

1 referral = $0,10

Here is a screen of my referrals ( I'm looking forward to get paid for them! ):

[img width=800]http://img247.imageshack.us/img247/5460/refssup6.png[/img]

Happy reffering :D
10-06-2008 21:49
nice, thanks!
11-06-2008 05:39
Not trying to be rude, but I think we know.
But nice amount of refs though! I would never dream of getting so many refs since I have too much going on in my day to gather up many. Instead I just complete lots of offers...
11-06-2008 14:00
good ..;))
11-06-2008 15:17
^^ My name's in there :P
Need personal help? Send me a private message!
11-06-2008 16:06
I hope this doesn't look suspicious to the administrator but what I did ( Posting tutorials how to sign up on GPTreasure ) worked extremely good.

I have 31 referrals now.
11-06-2008 21:01
yeah, I know is the best way to get referrals but I have no free time to make a tutorial.. and besides, if you post this kind of tutos to earn money by Internet many people think it's scam...

cya and good luck with next referrals.
Si hablas español y tienes dudas, por favor abre un nuevo tema en el apartado de Miembros de Habla Hispana.*Proud of being part of Get-Paid Team*SIEMPRE FUERTE 8-)
11-06-2008 22:36
Great job on the refferals I think I should start referring people now.
12-06-2008 02:36
DarkSky, did you know anything about the huge-ass post on the ijji forums wiht references to this site, Treasure Trooper, bux4all.com, and PrizeRebel?

If that was you, then I should be in your referals somewhere...

*recon415 out.
12-06-2008 13:50
super tutorial ...xDD
Total Posts: 22