What the hell is your nickname? (lol)

11-06-2008 22:21
well,my real birthday is 19th december at 23:50,but my official birthday is 20th.nvm
xD,i'm not from Lithuania though,mmm :/ i don't remember seeing you reconuunit,but my "shinning" (lol) nicknames are everywhere maybe you happened to encounter one,
and,3ayesh,i'm from a "Green Star in a Red Paper" flaged county. qo_<p .jk
12-06-2008 01:17
MY nickname is usually smitsfman even though it has nothing to do with my real name =P.
17-06-2008 17:16
Everybody calls me M-Dog
Because my name starts with a M :P
17-06-2008 18:35
Sucre is from prison break right? I love to watch Prison Break, it's a great programme. My name is how ppl call me when they see me :P I'm Dutch
17-06-2008 18:42
chocolat...i just like it.
17-06-2008 18:47
Lol, I like it to but I don't call my name chocolat... XD
17-06-2008 18:49
yeah i got the name tho at another forum.
17-06-2008 18:50
I know what forum that is and I aint gonna tell you!!! (ofcourse it isn't www.lunagang.nl or something like that.... XD)
Total Posts: 18