about XP?

07-12-2014 21:47
ups *daily 30 XP
U can also Try viewing ads for money Right herehttp://www.clixsense.com/?r=7025013This one is a Really Hitter to  http://www.cashnhits.com/index.php?view=ptp
07-12-2014 21:50
hmm also in the Facebook connect badge gives a decent amount of xp
U can also Try viewing ads for money Right herehttp://www.clixsense.com/?r=7025013This one is a Really Hitter to  http://www.cashnhits.com/index.php?view=ptp
07-12-2014 21:55
and collecting other badges too i guess
U can also Try viewing ads for money Right herehttp://www.clixsense.com/?r=7025013This one is a Really Hitter to  http://www.cashnhits.com/index.php?view=ptp
25-12-2014 11:33
Hi! Do you know if there is a limit as to how many posts one can make in a day?
25-12-2014 11:37
I am just wondering why the forum isn't more active and up to date if it is so easy to get xp by posting on it. A lot of the posts are old and there doesn't seem to be too much action here.
27-12-2014 14:25
It's right sherry40319.
27-12-2014 14:27
other ways to get more xp?
01-01-2015 17:28
looool hhhhhhhh :D
happy new year 2015
01-01-2015 17:29
gooood job :D
happy new year 2015
05-01-2015 16:21
Post in the forum, log in daily, even if it's something like watching a 2 coin video, the XP (and the coins) all add up
Total Posts: 92