
30-03-2016 03:51
Yes, among many other things we constantly work on with the site we'll add this to the to-do list - thanks for the suggestion.
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Get-Paid.com Admin
31-03-2016 15:36
I think he came back and did the same thing... Maybe a forum ban is in place? His username is zapiderendo and you can view his messages here.

Man, I come across as such a wise-ass about programming sometimes Can't help it, I guess... Hahaha!
Need personal help? Send me a private message!
10-04-2016 14:38
zapiderendo is now banned for 2 years from this forum.
If you have questions related to our site please use our SUPPORT FORUM. If you want to see our latest updates please visit our ANNOUNCEMENTS FORUM. It's as easy as that.


Get-Paid.com Admin
Total Posts: 13