I suggest updating the FAQ

25-10-2011 21:13
Hello there,

Since Gptreasure (Get-Paid) has just recently changed, I think it's time to look at the FAQ. Some of the stuff could be written, in my point of view, in a more professional way. Also, I suggest adding the question about "Click Here" offers. Now, I'm not sure if it'd be a good idea to add that, I'm thinking it might scare off some new members? However it might save new members from some frustrating times.

What do you think?
26-10-2011 11:01
Excellent idea Niklas!
This is what I've done now, going through it back & forth, it's now updated.
I hope the new FAQ would be much better now and save us some hassles answering repeated questions.
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Get-Paid.com Admin
26-10-2011 12:24

It looks much better now, excellent! ;)
26-10-2011 16:34

It looks much better now, excellent! ;)

Thanks! :p
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Get-Paid.com Admin
26-10-2011 19:43
Nice. :)
Also, what you should add is what to do when you get a "click here" on your offer (like forwarding your confirmation e-mail to [email]admin@gptreasure.com[/email]) and it might also be nice to add some personal info like names and age from our administrators to gain trust from our users. :)

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27-10-2011 07:42
yeah, I like the new FAQ's.

and as jonathan says, we should add What to do when you get "click here" in the offer status, time ago I made a thread explaining this but it should be explained in faq's from my point of view.

to add some personal info like names and age from our administrators to gain trust from our users

but mods are always changing...
Si hablas español y tienes dudas, por favor abre un nuevo tema en el apartado de Miembros de Habla Hispana.*Proud of being part of Get-Paid Team*SIEMPRE FUERTE 8-)
27-10-2011 14:56
Administrators :) Not moderators. There are a few people in charge of this site. One left a year ago, but I guess there's still some people behind the scenes?
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27-10-2011 19:51
ahh ok, I read wrong, sorry ;)

maybe the admin will keep his self anonymous xD i don't remember his name and i don't know where he lives nor the age he is jajaj
Si hablas español y tienes dudas, por favor abre un nuevo tema en el apartado de Miembros de Habla Hispana.*Proud of being part of Get-Paid Team*SIEMPRE FUERTE 8-)
28-10-2011 16:52
I did :dp
Nonetheless, let's wait for his response. ;)
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30-10-2011 14:29
Jooonathan) and it might also be nice to add some personal info like names and age from our administrators to gain trust from our users. :)


The information provided in the FAQ is general and it does direct users to click on the "Click Here" link when there is a problem, there is no need to include all that information about confirmations and browsers there, otherwise the FAQ would be too long to read.

Regarding moderators information we can have a section where we do that, or even make a STICKY topic in our General Discussion forum - my question is are all moderators happy to do that? We respect people's privacy so if some moderators are not interested then we'd have to respect that as well.
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Get-Paid.com Admin
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