Best moment in 1900-2000 The Fall of the Berlin Wall

10-11-2011 19:05
Here is a short 6 minutes documentary that shows the events that lead to the fall of the Berlin Wall and beyond.

He recently this video material recently and thought that some of it is spectacular.

You can download this video in .AVI format (XVID/MP3) and 640x480 pixels resolution at

Also check out this post and video of mine at my personal blog, if you are interested in this subject and want to learn more about it
12-01-2012 19:07
The worst moment was when Clinton was elected.
02-02-2012 03:58
Lol @ andres. Worst moment when any president is elected! All presidents are full or bull. When people try to convince me to get my guardians to vote I just say Hel* No!
14-05-2016 09:00
Hello everyone
15-05-2016 01:23
good video
Total Posts: 5