Health Benefits of Garlic

05-01-2015 14:34
Garlic can reduce blood pressure in people with high blood pressure. Consuming garlic daily, about one half to one clove, may reduce total cholesterol. Garlic has also been shown to modestly lower triglycerides. Garlic may also help prevent the formation of blood clots in arteries, which may reduce the risk of heart attack. Garlic consumption has also been associated with a reduced risk of certain cancers.

Garlic can be added to virtually any dish, from pasta sauces, hamburgers and stir-fries to casseroles, grilled vegetables and mashed potatoes. Garlic’s complex flavor can add depth to any recipe.
09-01-2015 12:43
thank you for the info :)
19-02-2015 12:36
good info...
19-08-2015 17:16
Thanks for the info may I add that it is also a natural anti-antibiotic it helps the immune system to fight off bacteria that causes infections. I take 1 peg a day. Not as often as I should though :)
20-08-2015 04:48
Garlic helps to combat sickness and common cold too.
Walk without feet : Think without mind : Fly without wings                                                      ______OSHO____
20-08-2015 04:49
Garlic is much usefull medicine for gastritis. can be consumed as garlic curd.
Walk without feet : Think without mind : Fly without wings                                                      ______OSHO____
20-08-2015 05:03
Galic helps to detoxify heavy metals in body.
Walk without feet : Think without mind : Fly without wings                                                      ______OSHO____
20-08-2015 21:09
It is quite beneficial and I am back on track with my 1 clove a day :)
20-08-2015 21:10
I cut one up and swallowed with water this morning and I keep great
20-08-2015 21:11
I love having garlic with so many of my favourite foods.
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