Health Benefits of Tomatoes

05-01-2015 14:37
Tomatoes are filled with nutrients and antioxidants that help combat several diseases as well as keep your health in good shape.

Improves vision: Vitamin A, present in tomatoes, helps to improve your eyesight

Helps fight cancer: According to studies, tomatoes contain large amounts of the antioxidant lycopene, that is effective in lowering the risk of cancer, especially lung, stomach and prostrate cancers.

Reduces risk of heart disease: The lycopene in tomatoes can protect you against cardiovascular diseases. Consuming tomatoes regularly helps decrease the levels of cholesterol and triglyceride in the blood, reducing the deposition of fats in the blood vessels.

Good for digestion: Eating tomatoes daily can keep your digestive system healthy as it prevents both, constipation and diarrhoea. It also prevents jaundice and effectively removes toxins from the body.
09-01-2015 12:44
thank you for the info :)
16-01-2015 07:28
Can also whiten teeth
16-01-2015 07:29
Or so my mother claims
18-01-2015 07:26
great updates.
18-01-2015 11:04
If not treated with chemicals, definitely give so many benefits, but if chemically treated, can cause intestinal disease.
Always looking for new friends !!! Ask me friendship accept all requests !!
18-01-2015 20:54
Good info! Thank you!
For any doubts or questions don't hesitate to contact me.


  • -Username: ChatDexter

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20-01-2015 21:20
I have heard that it is important to wash fruits and vegetables with a bit of soap in order to get rid of insectisides and other toxins. I also have some family and friends who peel tomatoes when using them for salad.
20-01-2015 21:23
Thanks for the information. We eat a lot of fresh tomatoes in my home and I never knew how much they contribute to good health. My daughter's favorite bedtime snack is a tomatoe! In general, my family enjoys a wide variety of fruits and vegetables! Thanks for the update and I wish you the best of health!
25-01-2015 04:17
thank you the info is true
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