How to enjoy life in a easy way?

23-10-2013 06:02
Any ideas My Friends
24-10-2013 21:23
things as a whole...

GOOD Family, Friends, Go Party, Love...

but life never is easy..
Si hablas español y tienes dudas, por favor abre un nuevo tema en el apartado de Miembros de Habla Hispana.*Proud of being part of Get-Paid Team*SIEMPRE FUERTE 8-)
08-11-2013 02:18
Avoid people that complicate your life, do as many things that you like to do as you can every day, listen to music, and try something new whenever you get the chance and you're feeling adventurous.
18-11-2013 11:19
Dont give in to peer pressure / social pressure or whatever outside pressure that might limit your way of living (or the way you want to live). Be true to yourself and walk/build your own path the way you want it, It's your life to live afterall
-The lil One-
24-11-2013 14:04
Listen to Music, Adventurous travel , Love :D
24-11-2013 16:15
Yoga ..
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Regards, Admin
24-11-2013 16:41
Well I consider my life to be simple but sweet. I can say that these are a few of the things on how I make it that way.:o

1.) Less materialistic way of life - I'm that kind of guy who just likes to eat, exercise, play video games, travel, and spend time with love ones. I barely buy anything unless it's necessary, although from time to time i give myself some sort of luxury.

2.) Learn to be grateful - Being grateful of what we have is something that we often take for granted.Whether it is the simple things of having a laugh, a warm bed, or the hug of someone. A happy life is one that is appreciated and thanked for.

3.) Walk on a path and never look back - Choose a way of life that you will love and strive for the rest of your life. This also includes the career, the people, and principles that are part of that way of life. Find a way of life that you will love through all it's good and bad times.

4.) Life is too short to keep on hating - Hatred will consume anyone. Rather than stay on grudges and the feeling of anger, learn to forgive and forget. If you cannot forgive, then at least learn to forget. Spending life thinking about what you hate will just make your years shorter.

5.) Love is a necessity - Live a life with love. if you do not have someone to love, well at least love yourself.
Just your average signature. :)
27-05-2014 13:54
be happy every day
06-08-2014 08:10
do what you want in life
Hi :D Friends:)
14-08-2014 11:58
Be Positive And be humble
Hi :D Friends:)
Total Posts: 13