Nike or Manny?

16-03-2016 09:43
defineatly NIKE, sry african children! I do not support exploitation of human resources
17-03-2016 11:36
17-03-2016 13:09
jtesladefineatly NIKE, sry african children! I do not support exploitation of human resources

Sorry but I didn't get your point...sorry again..
17-03-2016 13:10
jtesladefineatly NIKE, sry african children! I do not support exploitation of human resources

Sorry but I didn't get your point...sorry again..
17-03-2016 14:33
nike ahahahahahhaha
17-03-2016 14:34
nike ahahahahahahhahaha
17-03-2016 16:25
19-03-2016 14:22
manny for me !
20-03-2016 02:44
dadosapomanny for me !

Same here...;-)
20-03-2016 02:45
dadosapomanny for me !

Same here...;-)
Total Posts: 40