migrant crisis

16-03-2016 09:41
What to you think if this migrant crisis in EU is somehow changing your life habbits?? What to you think if it affects your fututre?
18-03-2016 09:53
I think they should be accepted. I live in Spain.
For any doubts or questions don't hesitate to contact me.

  • -GPChatDexter@yahoo.com

  • -Username: ChatDexter

Get-Paid Moderator
18-03-2016 11:16
I think we have to look at the root cause of the problem.
Why are people fleeing their country? (rhetorical question)

Seems most people in the west underestimate what the Arab Spring meant at the time it was happening and fail to see that part of the world is in war.
The only reason that it isn't a world war is because the rest of the world doesn't intervene (yet).

Now this is besides the point (unless someone, preferably with more insight than me want to start a discussion).

The point is those people are fleeing from war.
As human beings it is our duty to offer shelter to those people until the situation has been stabilized in their home country.
19-03-2016 13:19
not good .. close all frontiers !
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