where would You go on a holiday trip?

04-12-2015 13:16
Believe those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those who find it.
05-12-2015 16:42
Believe those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those who find it.
06-12-2015 14:37
New Zealand
Believe those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those who find it.
06-12-2015 21:54
berlin, vienna and praga... in 1 day
14-12-2015 22:44
To Japan !! This country is amazing
Source et eau fraiche
20-12-2015 13:00
Believe those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those who find it.
23-12-2015 10:08
France, Canada
05-01-2016 18:35
Tokyo, Japan :)
09-01-2016 15:07
i would go to taiwan within 6 month with AirAsia.
10-01-2016 05:05
Iceland!! Always wanted to go there!! One day I just might...
Complaining about a problem without proposing a solution is called whining.-Theodore Roosevelt
Total Posts: 47