hello... i have 2 question..
when i do my offers first time >>>pending<< and nex i have in my compleqt offer this ----> lotto <--- what is this ? i compeqted my offer and will pended ? or ?
second queston...
when i join offer for US members.. i see that you havenot US IP and you cannt compect this offer..
i do next..
i joined in US proxy server... join at gptreasure.com ( i have US ip ) and compected 1 offer
is this legal way complect offer ?
please if it isnot legal way dont ban me.. i dont now is it legal or no... IF IT no legal i will stop this ( i do only 1 offer for us members ) and i will complect only my offers ( international )
when i do my offers first time >>>pending<< and nex i have in my compleqt offer this ----> lotto <--- what is this ? i compeqted my offer and will pended ? or ?
second queston...
when i join offer for US members.. i see that you havenot US IP and you cannt compect this offer..
i do next..
i joined in US proxy server... join at gptreasure.com ( i have US ip ) and compected 1 offer
is this legal way complect offer ?
please if it isnot legal way dont ban me.. i dont now is it legal or no... IF IT no legal i will stop this ( i do only 1 offer for us members ) and i will complect only my offers ( international )