another 1$ payment I got

27-08-2008 05:48
Many many hanks to GPtreasure. that's really fantastic. So far i have been paid about 21$. so nice.
GPTreasure === easy money!
27-08-2008 07:14
wow! how da **** did u do that?!?
but anyway... grats!
27-08-2008 16:37
gptreasure=easy money. no doubt dude =) work on it more ! =))
27-08-2008 16:53
is true that we can earn so much money here whats the trick to make it up?
10-09-2008 16:29
hey anybody please help me from the first of my joining here im not able to earn a penny i just clicked my country offers there were 2 offers listed where one says ( grad school offers) when you click the banner you will be credicted with $.02 and the other says when you sign up your account wil be credicted with some amount, i followed as it said i clicked the banner for the first add and then signed up for the other one but my account havent been credicted and even the add dint get disappeared till now what and where could have wrong with me??? please help friends..
10-09-2008 17:42
do offer->Myoffers->reguest payout->wait
10-09-2008 19:28
is true that we can earn so much money here whats the trick to make it up?

if u have done all , all the offers,
so, get referrals! 0.10$ each one! ;)

good luck ^^
Si hablas español y tienes dudas, por favor abre un nuevo tema en el apartado de Miembros de Habla Hispana.*Proud of being part of Get-Paid Team*SIEMPRE FUERTE 8-)
31-12-2017 17:25
Good luck :P
05-01-2018 03:08
These threads are old..
For any doubts or questions don't hesitate to contact me.


  • -Username: ChatDexter

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Total Posts: 9