wow receive over $50 from GPtreasure thank you very much!

18-02-2009 05:04
no doubt this is the best site ever which pays instantly.
Hereby i would like to express my gratitude to GpTreasure and wish it all the best!
18-02-2009 07:58
well... It doesn't pay instantly, they are making weekly payout. But yes, the fact is that they DO PAY :) Ans I love this site, although I counted that I am able to get only ~10 $ out of international+ gold international offers =\

Nvm, good luck
18-02-2009 13:36
22-02-2009 20:51
29-03-2009 12:32
how to get so much?
29-03-2009 13:31
Wow! 50$
Congrats man!

I wish I had more offers to complete. =(
It's kinda unfair to certain locations like India. T_T
29-03-2009 17:14
50$ free money :-D
Si hablas español y tienes dudas, por favor abre un nuevo tema en el apartado de Miembros de Habla Hispana.*Proud of being part of Get-Paid Team*SIEMPRE FUERTE 8-)
07-04-2009 12:44
Congrats!!(nice one)
08-04-2009 02:36
that is AMAZING!
im soo glad i live in america...
i really feel bad for the internations, seeing the difference in income...
internationals make like 0.30 cents in like, idk 2 hours and residants in america make like 20...
12-04-2009 16:23
wow.. you're the lucky one.. hmm...
Total Posts: 20