Bug on new design

14-01-2017 07:45

I just come back after your maintenance for new design but I have found some trouble. I access to CF tasks on your site as usual but it lead me to new channel ID with level 0 again and now, I have 2 different ID with the same channel. I couldn't access tasks that I was doing because of different ID.

I have 2 ID with the same channel that will break CF rules and I will be ban for that. So, what should I do??
14-01-2017 07:51
Me too.i just complete some offer in kiwiwall and system approve but in my balance also 0 coins. So many bugs.check help me please.Thanks,
14-01-2017 12:09
Thanks for your reporting, We are still working on it - the issues will be rectified very soon !!


Get-Paid Moderator
For any doubts or questions don't hesitate to contact me.

-Username: Messi1

Get-Paid Moderator
14-01-2017 13:10
you can hepl me
Total Posts: 4