Offer with Error 404 Not Found

05-03-2017 03:13

Since some days ago, the next offer doesn't work:

Pay Per click --> PTCWall --> Easy Offers --> Travel Comparison (ES) DAILY - CPC

Simply, it shows an error 404.

Thank you for the any help you can give me :) Happy weekend!


Be happy, my friend!
05-03-2017 13:42
I thought i was the only one who encountered that. And for me, that happens with almost all of the offers.
Sorry for commenting
05-03-2017 14:47

I will report this to our support team, sorry for any inconvenience!
For any doubts or questions don't hesitate to contact me.


  • -Username: ChatDexter

Get-Paid Moderator
06-03-2017 03:50

I will report this to our support team, sorry for any inconvenience!

No problem, we'll wait ;)
Be happy, my friend!
20-03-2017 06:11
This is also happening to me especially when entering business cards.
Total Posts: 5