Special chars

18-06-2008 12:20
I've got some problems if I want to edit my messages 0.0
The special characters get changed to html :|
(Like ' ^ < and stuff)
This is most likely because htmlspecialchars is placed in the wrong script ;)

- Sagabmx

PS: Wtf I couldn't find the word for special chars and I completely forgot what the problem was after I typed htmlspecialchars :$
Omg xD
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18-06-2008 20:32
I'm not sure about this one..

but when you make a new post, under Subject and Message Icon you'll see Select.. Change it from Extended DHTML Form to Plain text and see if that fix the problem.
18-06-2008 20:47
let's see ^^

Edit: Yes it works :D Thanks ^^
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