Video offers

10-07-2013 12:05

Hallo Jooonathan

Habe Heute bei Tokenads Video 10 Videos die nicht laufen
Bei Matomy Videos sind es 5
Und bei Supersonicads Video sind es 2

Offer Unavailable
Sorry, this offer is unavailable at this time.

Warum laufen die nicht?

Some videos on TokenAds, Matamony and SuperSonicAds aren't working, they say this:
Offer Unavailable
Sorry, this offer is unavailable at this time.

It's a question on the German boards, so I'd like to know if it's a common problem or if it only happens there. (Or could it have to do with adblockers/things like Greasemonkey?)

Thanks! :)

PS: Hehe, nowadays they're asking me in particular questions on the German boards, where is Kevin1!?
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12-07-2013 12:56
Has anyone read this?
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16-07-2013 04:18
Hi Jooonathan,

I certainly apologies for the late response. There is so much to handle on support forum It takes up most of my time reporting issues to the right people & responding to users. As of the issue you listed above. The advertisers are picky about countries they target so most of the videos & ads go to UK/US members but if there are videos for international members then they should show up on the tabs listed above. So you can tell the user "TokenAds, Matamony and SuperSonicAds are based on demographics & they target certain audience. If they have content that matches your criteria then you should be able to take part in the required task. We recommend you to use different ways to make money on our site for example: Referrals program, Surveys/Offers etc, while our advertisers have more to offer you".

As of the German moderator, I am not aware so please directly contact senior admin. I hope this helps & let me know if you have any further questions.

21-07-2013 11:34
Thanks, I replied to the question ^^
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