$$"Contest" Enter and Win 5$ Very Easy$$

30-05-2008 06:18
[color=3300FF]Hello Friends[/color], :-)

Here is the contest.

I`ll post 2 links for 2 videos every week.
All you have to do it to watch the videos well because the next week I`ll ask easy question related to what you have watched.

The first member who relpy with the right answer will win the prize!

For Example:
Watch this video..

the question for this video would be..

What was the baby in the minute 0:19 doing?

The answer would be : Putting his head into a shoe.
very easy :-D

[color=990000]The prize will be 5$ for two winners ( 2.5$ for each one )[/color]
2 Videos = 2 questions = 2 winners

Payment methods avaliable [color=CC3300]PayPal & E-Gold[/color]

Every one can participate in this contest.

I`ll post the two questions in two different times to suite every one.

Good Luck Everyone :-D
30-05-2008 06:29
[size=large][color=3300FF]**The first week of our contest**[/color][/size]

Here are the two Videos

[size=large]1[/size]. Funny collection of dogs, cats and kids sleeping

The question for the 1st Video will be posted on the next Friday "6th of June 2008" at 4:30 PM GMT
( 2.5$ for the winner )

[size=large]2[/size].Top 20 football misses

The question for the 2nd video will be posted on the next Friday "6th of June 2008" 12 hours later from the 1st question.
( 2.5$ for the winner )

We can chat here untill the contest starts...

watch them well,and good luck ;-)
30-05-2008 07:22
wow 5$ i want to win
i am with you
thanks for this
30-05-2008 07:58
Finally started :-D

// Edit ..

Just a question .... Can we participate in both :-P ?
30-05-2008 11:34
interesting =]
Brain, skills, attitude. Help me? and I'll help you. :)
30-05-2008 11:53
nicee =)
i'll try to participe
Si hablas español y tienes dudas, por favor abre un nuevo tema en el apartado de Miembros de Habla Hispana.*Proud of being part of Get-Paid Team*SIEMPRE FUERTE 8-)
30-05-2008 12:12
meya meya ya m3alem moris! hewa dah el shoghl el gamed
01-06-2008 02:28
You`re very welcome :-D
adityatandon,I think it would be better to give more chances to more winners ;-)
01-06-2008 05:11
Yup ... its not possible for me to come in both but was just asking :-D
01-06-2008 09:53
Total Posts: 195