$$"Contest" Enter and Win 5$ Very Easy$$

28-06-2008 15:15
Okay it will be done on sunday NEXT week.

two videos will be posted soon!
28-06-2008 17:50
:O but u say every week :P
29-06-2008 10:53
Do it 2 times next week then :-D
29-06-2008 21:24
Here's the two questions

1.[color=990000]Rihanna - Take a Bow[/color]

The first member who post the right answer will get 1.5$ prize.

2.[color=990000]Monkey Island Film[/color]

The first member who post the right answer will get 1.5$ prize.

Question will be posted next sunday on 7:00 GMT& 19:00 GMT.

Good luck :-D
29-06-2008 21:44
nice, the monkey ones a little weird though
30-06-2008 06:26
ye monkey = funny XD
03-07-2008 19:24
Hello guys,

I want to inform you that I'll do the contest next Monday instead of Sunday, because I won't be avaliabe on Sunday :-P

Thanks for understanding, and good luck :-D
03-07-2008 20:41
ooh ye thats cool but why not saterday than :P
04-07-2008 04:23
Yea ... weekends r always better ;-)

Do it tmrw...
07-07-2008 05:48
It says
This Account Has Been Suspended
Please contact the billing/support department as soon as possible.

Anyhow heres the youtube link for the same video ...

Total Posts: 195